We're just one day away from the Beltline Bonspiel: a neighbourhood party and celebration of the historic 125th anniversary of the beautiful Lougheed House in the Beltline! The rink is painted and ready to go and the weather is looking perfect (Sunny and -2C) for this FREE and family-friendly event.

When: Saturday, February 25, 11AM - 4PM
Where: Lougheed House 707 - 13 Avenue SW
Admission: FREE!
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Cheer on four community curling teams as they compete on our new outdoor ice rink for the historic 1915 Canadian Brewery Company’s Trophy Cup (not awarded since 1966). The cup will be awarded to the winning team at 2PM. We've setup bleachers beside the rink so everyone can get a great view of the action.

Try curling on our beautiful new outdoor rink, which is complete with painted curling lines and markings. We'll have a separate curling sheet open to the public from 11AM-4PM.
Enjoy fresh tunes rinkside by DJ Jamal Hamadeh, host of Freshly Squeezed on CJSW 90.9FM. Tunes run from 11AM-2PM.

Hot chocolate and snacks you can eat with your mittens on will be available at an outdoor tent courtesy of The Restaurant at the Lougheed House.
Warm up inside the Lougheed House, purchase a beverage and check out the new exhibit on Calgary's frontier in the 1870's.

Come celebrate and be part of this historic event at Calgary's first outdoor curling bonspiel in 100 years!