Rebooting the 14 and 15 Ave detours
The City has now released the results of the engagement and all the feedback collected since postponing implementation of the 14 and 15 Avenue one-way detours through the Beltline to engage with local residents over the course of four open house sessions at the BNA's McHugh House.
In May, Beltline residents spoke out and expressed their concerns that the City’s plan presented significant challenges that, if left unresolved would impact the safety and quality of life in our neighbourhoods.
According to the City, 98 people visited the open house and 292 online surveys were completed. The full report can be found here.
Overwhelming support for bike lanes
The City reported that there was "overwhelming" support for bike lanes and that many residents expressed that they currently use 14th and 15th Avenues to bike on because they are quieter with less traffic.
One ways will now be phased
Based on feedback, the City will now be phasing the one-ways in shorter segments east and west of 8 Street SW.
City's next steps
Based on the feedback provided by citizens The City has announced they are now taking the following next steps:
- Temporary curb-extensions will be installed at all un-signalized intersections the week of June 12.
- Evaluate where and if speed cushions can be used on 14 and 15 Avenues.
- Begin the preliminary designs for a bike lane on 14 and 15 Avenues.
- Regularly monitor 14 and 15 Avenues for safety and efficiency as one-way traffic is implemented.
BNA's next steps
Now that the one-ways have been implemented on 14 and 15 Avenues and the project is moving ahead the BNA will work with the City and Councillor Woolley to:
- Ensure the traffic calming measures including bike lanes, curb extensions and marked crosswalks are implemented in a timely manner.
- Ensure that there are ongoing opportunities for feedback from Beltline residents on the detours to address any issues or opportunities as they arise.
Thank you!
The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association would like to thank all the Beltline residents that participated in the open house - please continue to stay involved! We would also like to thank the 17 Avenue reconstruction project team at the City and Ward 8 Councillor Evan Woolley for working to address the legitimate concerns of Beltline residents.