Centre City Plan Refresh - Public Workshop

The City of Calgary would like to invite you to a two-part workshop series to help us collect your input on the current vision and principles outline in the 2007 Centre City Plan and what recommendations you would make for change.

This invite only workshop is intended for Community Associations, Business Improvement Areas, Civic Partners, commercial entities, building industry and land development groups, social, tourism, environmental, heritage, entertainment and cultural organizations, and other representative groups in the Centre City.

With your input, we hope to capture an accurate representation of how key stakeholders view our Centre City and use this information as we update the Centre City Plan.

We ask that participants register for both workshops, as the results of the first workshop will drive discussion at the second.

Space is limited for all workshops and registration is required.

Register for Public Workshop

If you cannot attend any of these workshops, an opportunity to provide your feedback online will be available at calgary.ca/centrecityplan between September 26 and October 10, 2018.

September 26, 2018 at 6:00pm - 9pm
The St. Louis Hotel
430 8 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0L7
Google map and directions


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