A handful of well-organized, vocal landowners in Springbank just outside of Calgary have been blanketing social media with sponsored ads as part of a media and PR blitz behind a massive letter writing campaign to the federal regulator to derail Calgary’s flood mitigation project.
Remarkably, their campaign is gaining momentum in a PR battle to “protect” a stretch of ranchland and 5 residences at the expense of Calgary’s densely populated Beltline, downtown core, Inglewood, Mission, East Village, Chinatown, Kensington, Sunnyside, and numerous other river communities.
While expropriating private land for the greater public good is never without controversy, we can’t afford another repeat of the devastating 2013 flood that shut down all businesses downtown for weeks and displaced 80,000 Calgarians from their homes.
The environmental and economic case is strong: Calgary needs the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir.
We need your help!
Take action now with 2 easy steps to ensure Calgary's flood mitigation project in Springbank does not get delayed or cancelled!
1) Email the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Tell them in your own words why you support building the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir. Click here to email [email protected]. Deadline extended to June 15!
2) Spread the word and share this post!
Share this post on social media and ask your friends, families, and co-workers to take a few moments to ensure Calgary’s flood mitigation project does not get further delayed or cancelled.
Important Links and Further Reading
City of Calgary Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project Info
Government of Alberta Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Info Page
Calgary River Communities Action Group