Take Part in the Beltline & Inglewood/Ramsay Social and Recreational Needs Survey

We saved our pools...until 2021. 

We have an opportunity to share with the City how we use social and recreational facilities in the Beltline neighbourhoods.

Last summer, we received news that the City of Calgary planned to close the Beltline Aquatic & Fitness Centre and the Inglewood Aquatic Centre, both staple recreation assets in the Beltline and Inglewood communities. We worked with our friends at the Inglewood Community Association to voice our concerns about this move.

In response to our advocacy, the City listened, considered our perspective, and committed to undertaking a process to understand the communities' social and recreational needs (with funding for both facilities secured through the end of 2021).

And, the City is now  seeking our input!

Click the link below to the City's Engage website to have your say. It's a quick survey! Your response will help generate a comprehensive picture of what kinds of recreational activities we value in the Beltline and the ways in which we socialize in the community.

Survey closes on Monday, August 31, 2020. 



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