The City of Calgary has opened Phase II of engagement for improvements to 14 and 15 Avenues South through the Beltline and is asking for your feedback by January 31st on design options that improve safety and mobility.
Phase II engagement Option 2A/2B design option for 15 Avenue looking west (City of Calgary).
Phase I: Public Engagement Results
In September 2020, the City of Calgary conducted public engagement throughout the Beltline on the future of 14 and 15 Avenue one-ways that asked citizens to identify what was working, existing challenges, and ideas for improvements. The City received over 500 contributions of feedback. A summary of the results of the engagement can be found here.
Phase II: Feedback Wanted on Design Options
Two possible design options for the study area were developed based on the Phase I engagement feedback and The City's technical analysis. They include:
Option 1: One-Ways with Unprotected Bike Lanes (Status-Quo)
Option 1 15 Avenue looking east |
Option 1 14 Avenue looking west
- Both 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. remain as one-way roads.
- Existing unprotected on-street wheeling lanes are retained.
- Additional minor upgrades, such as converting existing curb extensions from temporary to permanent, adding wheelchair ramps, additional signage, etc.
Option 2A: One-Ways with Protected Cycle Track on 15 Ave and Unprotected Bike Lane on 14 Ave
Option 2A 15 Avenue looking east |
Option 2A 14 Avenue looking west
- 15 Avenue S. remains as a one-way road.
- 15 Avenue S. wheeling lane will be upgraded to a protected two-way facility on the north side of the road.
- 14 Avenue S. will be retained as a one-way road with an on-street unprotected wheeling lane (existing configuration).
- In addition to curb extensions and signage improvements, this option includes additional upgrades such as improvements to intersections, pedestrian crossings, and lighting.
Option 2B: One-Way 15 Ave with Protected Cycle Track, Two-Way 14 Ave
Option 2B 15 Avenue looking east |
Option 2B 14 Avenue looking west
- 15 Avenue S. remains as a one-way road.
- 15 Avenue S. wheeling lane will be upgraded to a protected two-way facility on the north side of the road.
- 14 Avenue S. will revert back to a two-way road with wheeling infrastructure removed.
- In addition to curb extensions and signage improvements, this option includes additional upgrades such as improvements to intersections, pedestrian crossings, and lighting.
The BNA Supports Option 2B
The Beltline Urban Development Committee reviewed the above options and supports Option 2B for the following reasons:
- 15 Avenue protected cycle track provides safe year round infrastructure for people on bikes, e-scooters, skateboards and more.
- 14 Avenue will likely be safer and calmer with two-way traffic while an unprotected bike lane on this avenue lacks real safety and usability in the winter and would likely see much less use given the proximity to a protected cycle track on 15 Avenue.
- Curb extensions, pedestrian crossings, lighting and signage improvements will help keep both avenues safer from drive-through speeding vehicles.
Take the City's Survey!
The City will be collecting feedback on these options until January 31st.