The City of Calgary Green Line team has completed an extensive evaluation of four alignment options for connecting the Beltline communities to the new LRT.
Find out the results of the City's multiple accounts evaluation of the four alignment options for the Beltline and the official recommendation the team will be making to City committee on December 8.
Drop in this Wednesday to ask questions and provide your input!
In September, the Beltline Neighbourhoods Association successfully advocated for the City to continue to investigate the 12 Avenue underground/tunnel alignment. Read more about why we believe this is the best option for the Beltline and all of Calgary. Since then, the City's Green Line Team has been evaluating four alignment options:
- 10 Ave surface
- 10 Ave tunnel
- 12 Ave surface
- 12 Ave tunnel
The results of the evaluation will be presented at this open house and the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions to City staff will be available.
Visit the City's Green Line LRT - Beltline page here for more info.