12 Ave Underground Ranks #1



The results are in!

The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is pleased to hear that the Green Line Team’s newly completed detailed evaluation of the Beltline alignments found the 12 Avenue underground option ranked highest amongst the alternatives of 10 Avenue surface and underground, and 12 Avenue surface.

12 Avenue underground alignment was an option that was nearly eliminated just over a month ago until the BNA, along with an overwhelming number of community stakeholders successfully advocated for the City to bring it back on the table for further investigation.



12 Avenue underground better and cheaper than previously reported

The City’s detailed evaluation process considered technical, financial, economic and community-focused criteria - the same process used for selecting the Downtown Green Line alignment. The investigation also found that 12 Avenue underground was the cheaper of the two underground alignment options.


Click here to see the City's presentation on how each option scored >>




The importance of good engagement

We would like to thank the Green Line Team for stepping up the engagement with community stakeholders over the past month and increasing the opportunities for feedback, information sharing and important discussion. The Green Line is an important opportunity to bring better public transit to the Beltline, its 22,000 residents, hundreds of businesses and numerous important Calgary destinations.


Lots of work still ahead

The Green Line Team is recommending further evaluation of the 12 Avenue corridor alignment including station locations and grade (surface or underground) with a final recommendation due in March 2017. We recognize there’s lots of work ahead and look forward to continued engagement with the Green Line Team to make sure we design the best solution for the Beltline, its stakeholders and ultimately, the entire Green Line. 

We owe it to ourselves and to future generations of Calgarians to make sure we do this right.


Let’s make an even bigger impact: Join the BNA!

The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is working hard to advocate for the Beltline and make it a better place for its residents and businesses. If this is important to you, we ask that you consider purchasing a membership and help grow our community association so that we can have an even greater impact for tomorrow.


You can purchase your membership here >>





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