McHugh House Grand Opening

A New Chapter For Calgary's 6th Oldest House

The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is pleased to announce the launch of our exciting new community hub for the Beltline in the historic 121-year-old McHugh House at Centre Street and 17 Avenue SW. Home to a growing population of over 22,000 residents, the Beltline has for years been in need of a community space for residents and local groups.

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HELP NEEDED: Protect 14th and 15th Avenues!

On June 5th, the City will begin converting 14 and 15 Avenues from Macleod Trail to 14 Street SW to one-way traffic diverting up to an additional 19,000 cars, trucks and buses per day and doubling the width of these residential avenues. Beltline residents spoke out recently and expressed their concerns that the City’s current plan presents significant challenges that, if left unresolved could impact the safety and quality of life in our neighbourhoods.

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14/15 Avenue Update: We hear you!

Two weeks ago the City of Calgary 17th Avenue SW Reconstruction Team sent notices out about their plans to temporarily convert 14 and 15 Avenues to one-way streets to detour traffic around 17 Avenue in phases over the duration of the reconstruction project for the next 3-4 years.

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BNA Launching Community Hub in 121-Year-Old McHugh House

A New Chapter For Calgary's 6th Oldest House

The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is pleased to announce the launch of our exciting new community hub for the Beltline in the historic 121-year-old McHugh House at Centre Street and 17 Avenue SW. Home to a growing population of over 22,000 residents, the Beltline has for years been in need of a community space for residents and local groups.


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10 Avenue Victoria Park Option Would Cost More Than Underground, So Why Isn’t the City Considering Underground?

We took a look at the costs associated with the newly proposed 10 Avenue Green Line option through Victoria Park and discovered that it may actually cost significantly more than an underground station on 12 Avenue SE. Given that the universal preference of local stakeholders is a 12 Avenue SE underground alignment, we believe the City should put this option on the table for consideration so it can be properly evaluated.


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November update & volunteer opportunity

Today, we bring you a great volunteer opportunity for Connaught School and an update on the BNA's work with other community members on the Green Line LRT project.

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12 Ave Underground Ranks #1



The results are in!

The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is pleased to hear that the Green Line Team’s newly completed detailed evaluation of the Beltline alignments found the 12 Avenue underground option ranked highest amongst the alternatives of 10 Avenue surface and underground, and 12 Avenue surface.

12 Avenue underground alignment was an option that was nearly eliminated just over a month ago until the BNA, along with an overwhelming number of community stakeholders successfully advocated for the City to bring it back on the table for further investigation.

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12 Avenue Underground is Back!


The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is pleased to announce that today the City's Transportation and Transit Committee voted to accept our request to bring back the 12 Avenue Underground alignment option for the Green Line for further investigation.


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We're Asking The City To Put 12 Avenue Underground Back on The Table



12 Avenue Underground Is The Best Option for The Beltline and Downtown Calgary

The Green Line LRT presents an exciting opportunity to make Calgary’s most dense and urban neighbourhoods better serviced by public transit. The best option for the Beltline comes down to the accessibility of the Green Line to all the people, businesses and important places in the Beltline, and the positive integration with existing travel modes in what is already a challenging environment for mobility. 


The Beltline Neighbourhoods Association is deeply concerned that 12 Avenue underground is being prematurely removed as an option and is asking the City to continue to investigate this potential alignment.



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Making a better 11th Street Railway Crossing

11-street-s-w-train-crossing.PNGThe City of Calgary is making great strides improving north-south pedestrian travel between Downtown and the Beltline. Unfortunately, the 11th Street W surface-level crossing remains a daily challenge for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. 


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